Dry January is such a horrible idea
I’m gonna start today. I think I got it
Not their jersey shore ref
There was an electric dude coming to fix the lightbulbs, and it took everything out of me not to pinch his little booty while he was on the ladder 🤏🏻
Tell on me and that pinch gona turn into a fist
Always acting you not the size of Peter Dinklage
I’ll leg sweep that ass all day
Your shift about to fly by today
Somebody come get their girl
I belong to know oneeeeee 🤸
come on cartwheel with me you fool
Gonna have to use her money from her pole on medical bills
I said know instead of no 🤡
Damn this fortune cookie was so specific 👀
I’d have you like that fortune cookie
I actually found this cookie in my bag
So no idea must have been from the buffet
That’s where chat should go
Hopefully Sav recovered by then
I need to go back by myself
The people I went with were hating
You should go to Richardson