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Ameryka Północna/

TTexas Dallas Fort Worth

Yes ma'am
you should! 😌
Hey everybody
too bad the hammer will get you soon
Riley might take a good long look before he does
ohhh im sure about that
I mean, they are quite lovely
no doubt but riley still gonna use mjolnir
Still think he's going to look for a bit
i wonder where he is at 👀👀👀 figuerd it be gone by now
Maybe looking at in-person b00bies
Work Christmas party 😤
Nah, just slow atm 😩
Bye bye b00bies 😞
i think he was in the bathroom with the pic before he banned it 👀👀
took too long IMO
Much better quality too!
dang riley cant take a joke sheesh
Or you could hit up a cute elephant 👀
thats a very good idea he should
I’m from Russian so I don’t take jokes, I destroy them 😈
i see a kinfolk of the new president
And rejected lol
You weren’t rejected, I’m saving something special for later 😘
you see he didnt reject you he sending pp later
Sure 😊
>>> 👀👀 👀
we need the hammer
FFS, I been sleepin at the wheel 😩
So many bots, so little time
Dm anyone
Or busy with other things
Oh my
Im so glad im headed east
pp pics
Donde 👀
Thank God I'm off for 2 weeks