Trev may be onto something here
I wanna open a combination froyostripclub
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Are these drunk bodies, wet bodies, naked bodies, what we talking about?!
Damn he snagged her already!
I’ll fight her, I want Riley as my daddy 😭
Why is Official spelled with 2 L's on the poster?
Body still needs lots of rest
It is a beautiful day out. I'm going to go for a walk
I think I’m going to Walmart, I need water!!
Better, install a water filter, plenty of water then!
Have fun, don't be one of the Walmart people who shows up in a meme
Got front and back, side to side
Our complex water was cut off for HOURS a few times in the last 2 weeks.
Then we got a Boil Notice on Wednesday morning... still dont have drinking water
Because of freeze warnings?
No... so the city can install additional pipes for the new housing developments nearby
Just means our dribble water pressure will now be a trickle.🙄
Lame, at least they’re warning you about it before it’s too late
Actually they didnt. I found out when I turned on the faucet and had no water. After about an hour, I went next door. She found out from another neighbor. So I looked up the city water company website and found the Notice posted there🙄
Then I had brown water come out. Checked the website again. Thats when they'd posted the Boil Notice.
Oh well never mind 🖕 them.
I called them on Friday to see if they could give an ETA for drinking water. "I really have no idea, but we dont work weekends so you can check back on Monday if you'd like." What I'd like is to take a shower 😂
In my city my water got cutoff and then a notice was taped to my door the next day about the water needing to be cutoff, with the previous days date on it