Kev Cmere I will fight you so freaking hard
Mads don’t listen to what they say bout me
who wants to listen to music with me
*pushes everyone out of the way
But not really cause I’m about to start cooking dinner
I need some dinner maybe hot wigs tonight
oh* depends on what's got dinner
Hot wigs would not taste good
Probably tastes like your muff on a hot summer's eve
Mmm muff tasting hot wigs
happy hot dog and kleenex day
711 has pizza for $3.14 today yall
I would rather eat pizza off of Koxxy's bathroom floor
I will never forget him eating that cheeseburger on the floor
Canuck what is hotdog and Kleenex day?
You are so dense, you mus'tve been baked with way too much flour
They’re yet to find anything geological that is denser
Her skull is thicker than a bucket of we cement
Welp think the app is pretty much ded as of today, it was really fun y'all. Take care of ya selves
They realized how stupid they were being
Like there was literally no point to force iOS users off their existing app