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CChubby Chicks 21+ đź’™

About the app not coming back to the App Store?
spaze !!!!
i need you
to explain what the hell is going on with the rock
Who the hell knows he just inserts himself in to whatever storyline he feels like idk I think they’re trying to do a corporate champion storyline again?
it’s so random
and he was like kissing cody and drinking with him now he wants his soul
tito i love you
whatcha think?
Chamber overall was pretty meh but the heel turn was alright I guess
it just felt so telegraphed
My main complaint with it, is that it just feels too late. I don’t mind it and will still give it a shot but
let me cram my fist in your nose
I thought Koxxy said this when I saw the message preview
What a great night
Is it?
It's not bad
What’s up everyone
Don’t die
If you do make sure the shoes fly off
guys wake up
Been up since 10:30 pm but no
50 and from the UK?
This guy is one step away from cardiac arrest
guys wake up
No thanks
it’s time to party
Don’t lie to me
this room sucks
it’s always sucked butt eesh
Watch your old decrepit mouth
fly eagles fly wear a cowboy hat to lincoln field and you’ll legitimately die
“he shouldn’t of worn that hat into our house carl” but alyssa it was a make a wish kid “guess it was a death wish go birds!”
Truly ^^
Shouldn’t have**
i was qouting you
if it was my words it would be 100% correct and we all done know that