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CChubby Chicks 21+ 💙

Pic is from DR Punta Cana
Puta Cana is more like it
i’ve been a good boy
i am a very good bad boy
Looks beautiful
i think it’s blue screen
Guys I’m gonna start wearing sweater vests
It will match your wool underwear that you have, when you aren't wearing underwear
Canuck if I did have wool underwear it would be the best most beautiful wool underwear in the land
You have a bush like a sheep's head
So help me god
You could scrub pots and pans with it
I just got what you mean by wool underwear
They call you SOS bush
It’s not a Brillo or pad
OLE Steel Wool snatch
It is not
So slow lmfao
Koxxy your bush is so big when you pull your pants down Disco music starts playing
Staying alive
The Globetrotters start dribbling around
Ok that’s freaking it
It’s not that big
Ah ah ah ah staaaaaahinh aliiiiiiiive
Al stop laughing and singing
and try to pass the ball to your snatch
So help me god
He’s funny and it’s catchy
I can’t help it lol
I bet it's gray no too
It’s not like the tennis ball Velcro game omg
probably looks like someone spilled a can of white paint on her crotch
It’s NOT
it’s sooooooo brunette
yeah with white highlights
That’s my hair do man
Cruella Depussy
Koxxy's pants fell down in public once and 101 dalmations went running
Cruella dedongmaster
Hold on
No the hell that did not happen
Canuck you’re working me up
My blood pressure is prob 4001000 rn