if this nosebleed don't stop
When I first read it I thought it said Greta Thunberg
I can’t remember what you do and don’t do with nosebleeds
I don't know, but I was told to pinch it to stop the blood flow. and then to call the doc if it don't stop bleeding after thirty minutes
I do not recommend getting septoplasty
Has it been 30 mins Gurk?
it's been way over 30 minutes
starting to get a headache, but that might be from other stuff
Anyone else can a message from admin?
i’m at work and feel like crap
AWWW C I’ve been thinking of you. Hope you get better soon!
i slept until 1pm yesterday off and on
i’ve been living off soup and smoothies
About the app not coming back to the App Store?
to explain what the hell is going on with the rock
Who the hell knows he just inserts himself in to whatever storyline he feels like idk I think they’re trying to do a corporate champion storyline again?
and he was like kissing cody and drinking with him now he wants his soul
Chamber overall was pretty meh but the heel turn was alright I guess
it just felt so telegraphed
My main complaint with it, is that it just feels too late. I don’t mind it and will still give it a shot but
let me cram my fist in your nose
I thought Koxxy said this when I saw the message preview