and the new coach for the jaguars is such a deeb
The Khan family really knows how to pick em
tony is the shining example of nepotism
It’s his way of spelling Tony…
I try to talk to him about it but he doesn’t listen
We let a bunch of fckn idiots vote in trump and shts hitting the fan. What are we gonna do
I’m gonna bury my head in the sand for 4 years.
i’m gonna feverishly sext
I think she’s still snoozing
i hate beefaroni two days ago and it’s still got me messed up
they were gross and tore me up
I swear I change to a fish so fast
Aaaaaah Meesh that looks lovely
i was gonna gift her but she can’t be trusted with karma
You haven't pissed away all that karma that I gave you yet
We had a truck from fishery in the shop this morning. It stunk up the entire place. Reminded me of you
Is that why you came to say hi?
I come back and ban random people too
Oh well appreciate you lol
Pic is from DR Punta Cana
Puta Cana is more like it
Guys I’m gonna start wearing sweater vests