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CChubby Chicks 21+ 💙

Guys I slept 6 hours in a row and now I feel like a GOD
I haven’t slept over 3 hours since Sept 1
I'm not really a big soup person. I do love a good chili though
Oh I thought you might have a good recipe
Not this time. Haha
Well bumma lol
I’m making million dollar spaghetti tonight and homemade breadsticks and I’m pretty fkn stoked
All I think about is food and dongers if yall didn’t realize
Has anyone tried the million dollar sketti?
I've had it. It was okay. I think I might order Indian takeaway for dinner
I’m making chili Sunday!
I have to admit I’ve never really tried Indian food.
I haven't either. That's why I'm trying it ha
Oh man please take pics and let me know ya thoughts
Will do!
Literally working on this legendary Midwest menu my gosh .. see why I’m in this room?
I made a bomb healthy jambalaya
Hamburger helper? Hamburger help ME
^ new fave meal and if you can get this at Sam’s get it
The buttered bread takes me back to childhood
Dudette. Me too. That meal does.
Canned beans
I think it was always goulash for us
Man...I miss my moms goulash
Tell me about it
Do you know how to make it?
I mean...I know how to make goulash. Just doesn't taste like hers
Oh I didn’t know if you made it with her or watched or made it a million times
But yea I understand that. Mama had the touch and experience and I bet the more you make it and tweeze it that it will be more like hers!!
I mean just because I watched it a million times doesn't mean it taste the same. I made myself ugly cry the first Christmas after she passed because I tried to make her ham salad and failed
Oh man I could understand that! Bless ya heart teh!
I got all her cookbook and stuff. She had a bunch of written recipes from when she was a cook at the hospital. I saved them mainly because they were in her writing. But if I ever need to feed a bunch of people 😂
I mean, I could condense them and make them fit a normal meal but
Omg! My nana after she was retired volunteered in the hospital kitchen and we actually loved to eat lunch there bc it was actually really good!!!!!
And yea handwritten recipes might as well just give me a huge fkn hug when I look at them I would share some of mine but I don’t want yall to know the secrets
I get it. 😂
I'm gatekeeping a recipe from my entire family. 😂
I almost think they forgot that I have it
Until they break in ya house in the middle of the night lol
Nah. That's would require them to actually drive the four hours to visit me and in the 11 years I've lived here....I can count on one hand how many times they've seen me
At my own house
Oh well then you are safe! Lol
That hamburger help and bread plate makes me think of poverty and my childhood lol