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Go away
why? cus im trying to make convo?
Not you the spam that she banned
oh right lol
was gonna say but rude
prison break is sooo good
better than lost
ye season 2 gets even more interesting
but i don’t know how linc is linked to it
just keepnit clean
You can get out since you’re a man
it is a lesbian room
Precisely. Read the room title
Get out pest
Don’t let the door hit ya on the way out whale
just leave
There’s IVF, sweetheart
😂 I love how he thinks that’s a zinger
Smoll pp
We definitely don’t need you for babies technology is way ahead sweetheart
Lol i wonder who has me blocked🤔
why was i kicked?? i did nothing wrong like lol
not me lovely.. you haven’t done anything to upset me
Who kicking you?
but i’m honestly not trying to start anything, just here to make friends
Someone said smol pp and they got me blocked lol
Hello doobie hooman friend
how’s you hun?
btw if you’ve not seen prison break definitely do
don’t bother with the film heretic, it’s trying to raise a point but it’s not delivered well
>>> why was i kicked?? i did nothing wrong lik... Possibly by mistake?
>>> how’s you hun? I'm alright thanks just tired, cold and have a headache lol. How are you?
not bad, nans i think dying so i’ve never been around death or someone dying
and my anxiety is bad atm
Damn... I'm really sorry to hear that!
Hey everyone! I'm new here and really excited to connect with like-minded people. Looking forward to learning from all of you and sharing some experiences Feel free to say hi! 😊
Hey lovelies 😘
Hi girls