And then a surprise from one of my friends
Omg I want to jump on a lion
It will use you as a tooth pick
U can pick out the outfit im wearing before it, cuz pool party is later obviously
But start off with the outfit I’ll wear for the entire dayyyy
😂😂 there going to be goat, chicken horse camels sheep and baby pigs
Crop and cargo but it might be to hot
Highest will be 23 degrees Celsius
Hmm I’ll tell u what I have
Mini skirt, jeans, jorts, shorts
There kinda what I work with
What does the jorts look like
Cute shorts, wish it was summer rn
Exactly, it was snowing like 1,5 weeks ago
But I kinda wanna style it around this top? If I can’t I’ll wear jorts at back t
I ain’t leaving the house without at least 5 layers
I wish I looked good in jortssss