Word. I'm very happy to hear that.
Ooo a chocolate covered strawberry, my favorite! 🤤
I love sunny days and today is just gorgeous. HRU?
I am foing well thank you
It’s so nice I walked outside at 8:30 to walk the dog, I didn’t realize it was cold until it was up late😆 and I wasn’t dressed warm enough
It helped to stay in the sun
>>> It’s so nice I walked outside at 8:30 to w...
Been there
Thanks! It’s my kiddos’ but she’s not here to complain.
Is she still sleeping like mine is?
I think she is but she’s also at a sleepover lol
I’ve walked the dog, had breakfast, did a few things in the backyard, drank coffee, and he hasn’t stirred
They were awake the same time I was
Son got home late from poker at a friend’s. I give him another hour and then I have to check on him, make sure he’s breathing 😂
>>> They were awake the same time I was
No quiet time?! Nooooo 😆😆
After each show, the girls have a sleepover to debriefchismis
Chisme time is quality bonding time 😂😂
I do remember enjoying those too
That looks delicious! Enjoy!
You know I’m kidding! I want two please. 😋