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  2. Pieskaries “Pievienot sākuma ekrānam”
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Avo toast
Nice toast
Mahal 😘
She’s toasty!
Nice eyes
Totally 🍗
Hi phoenix
How are you feeling, mahal?
Did you already do your marathon?
It's in September
It will take time to get me in the gear
But I’m sure you’ll do great!!
Thanks 😊
Maybe I'll take a coffee break mid race
Hehe I support this
There’s a race in Osaka that has so much food stops!!
I would run that from table to table 😆
Cut extra skin you must
Chopped liver. I’m gonna bounce it’s cringe now anyway since Ro can give it but not take it
Stop staring at me
Nice eyes
I didnt make it a wizard pic.. im sorry
Ro, bjork, lazy 🤗🤗🤗
How are you to?
Sorry miss spell
Yes. Nice eyes.
Im good and you
Phoenix 🤗🤗🤗
I am glad and I am doing great thank you ro
>>> Ro, bjork, lazy 🤗🤗🤗 Josh y
How is it going