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Tc J
That sounds awesome, Cloud
Chirpy Chirp!!! I’m so happy to see you!!! 🥰🥰🥰
Tc J
I haven't made it in a long time. I might need to 🤔
I missed you too lady, even tho you text me 🤣😂
It’s not the same!!!
Everybody getting those DMs 🥲
I know it’s not
I don’t get DMs 🤔
Oh! You mean actual texts 😂
Yessssss haha
What are we yessing? 👀
>>> I don’t get DMs 🤔 Me either 😂
Damn I can't sleep today
I was saying that they text yes
Hey Prince!
Why no sleeo
Mary! 🥰
How u been
>>> Why no sleeo Idk why my head is kinda hurting
I’m ok, thanks. You?
Hahaha yeah she texts me when I hide out from this place
Speaking of which. I'ma go hide now.
He’s hoping for a text
Im okay as well Mary!
😂 well I only text Mary
Get your ass back in here
Hahahaha get em Pho 😂
I used my lasso 🤣🤣🤣
There should be duck booty stickers
That one doesn’t do the job
>>> I used my lasso 🤣🤣🤣 Right around the neck too... Geez. 😅
That gets dangerous. I’ve seen that go wrong quickly lol
There it is!!
Man. I have a cute butt.
Look at that little waggin tail….adorbs
Well goodnight mates
I'll try to sleep again
Night prince
Goodnight Prince
Good evening
Bike is done ✅