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الهوايات والاهتمامات/


Hows everyone doing????
Good Hardy. You??
Howdy 👋 🤠
ꑄ♡ ༝༚ᵕ̈ 🤗😘
Phoenix🎃🎈 🤗😘
Children of the corn
Good movie 🎃
Not a movie. It’s my life
Talk to me Mick
But I'm not in here
My apologies then
>>> My apologies then It's okay, we all make mistakes ☺️
What happened to this room?
Kissy never around, Sam deleted anti, Mary comes around sometimes and chat up Boss 🤷🏻‍♂️
What happened to Skank?
Skank be skanking around
What happened to this room? What room did everyone move to
I don't think people moved, just got busy
>>> 🤔 There's our favourite ginger!
Where’s my love Mary?
Anyone talk to Alu?
Mary mary!!!!
Who’s Alu?
Hii Phoenix
He's probably busy with...
There’s the fecker
I’m nobody’s favourite anything
I agree
>>> I’m nobody’s favourite anything You're my favourite ginger ok!
I’m definitely a fan of Skank 🎉
Lies I’m not even a fan of skank
Why?!?! 😂 💖
Skank is pretty rad.
Heyyyyy maryy
Hi Ichrispybcn
Heya Hardy 🤗🤗🤗
No u