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الهوايات والاهتمامات/


Are you doing uber now
Not yet
Sorry it's just me
I know
The fun ppl maybe sleeping
Lol I'll try and be more fun
I’m not fun or sleeping
Morning all
Im feeling sick again
But i will survive in starfish style
Hey 👋🏻
What y'all up to?
Just watching the cricket
What are you up to?
Having dinner soon
Just laying in bed chilling
Pretty Happy 🤗😘
Hi Win
I’m having some sleep soon
Me too
My fever is acting up again
How did your shepard pie go?
Oh in sorry you are sick
Pretty Happy 🤗😘 hope u feel better soon
Gooooooooood Mawnin Candyland!!! 🫶🫶🫶🫶
Oh no! Do you have Tylenol?
I got medicine from the doc yesterday
Shepherd pie was really good
Off to work for me
Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to work we go!
Oh good! Antibiotics?
Viramin C booster
Good evening, Prince
And dome cough syrup
How's yall today
Sleepy! Just having a coffee and then going to the gym before work. How’re you?
I'm just alive as usual somehow
Glad to hear that.
Alive sounds good
*alive noises*