Whoooo go 2nd amendment! Protecting slave owners and killing women since 1776!
Nothing, I offer you nothing
Y’all want a real confession
>>> Y’all want a real confession
I tried to send it and my message got blocked lol
I sit in my hot tub without shorts on in my backyard. It is snowing.
I’m old, but you won’t like me. I’m mean.
Is it normal for (boyfriend father) to not even visit his son’s newborn twins in the hospital? I mean to not even say congratulations to him.
During covid times when I was supposed to be in class I got into some dark stuff with men online
And there’s other things too that he just doesn’t do for him. To treat him like a step child
Yes, probably ashamed his son had kids out of wedlock
>>> And there’s other things too that he just ...
Nah boy when wrong going for a gal who was preggo with another man's kid
Future single mother in the chat
😂 y’all crazy. But it seemed mean to me.
Reality set in for that young mam and the fun was over
Get married, then have children
So you want to blown out and never find a quality future partner
Tell me your fav position and why
I'll release you my man that was on me my bad
Believe it or not, most men actually hate hors
So I am kinky and bizarre and like weird confessions. Pm me to confess my lovely people xxx
Anyone wants to chat about my confessions ?
My wife cheated with a younger guy
My word my DMs are filled with morons
I have naughty confession