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الصحة والدعم/

CConfessions and Chill 🚬

I had 4 shots
I need an opinion
I love this
Are you sure
Hey who is up
We up
Looking for hotter than your man?
I was up 😭
She knows bigger is better
u need big base n smol tip
Nah nah average is just as good
You probably have a neck beard
Truth. Though I’m fine if they’re big in general
What's your weirdest fantasy?
I need to shave again 😪
Shaving the adams apple is always the worst
u didn’t leave for long
Confesss me
Love to
Any confessions
Yes lots
I have confessions but they can be dark n disturbing
did u go on second date
Who’s on a date 👀
>>> I have confessions but they can be dark n ... Tell me
>>> Any confessions Yes, but you're lack of engagement keeps them away
Who wants to rate it👅
Send it then
I ate my moms bosses daughter out
Hi crab
Come find out about my confession 😈😏
took thet personally
Yes horse
That’s sad Sam
Luh zesty
Hello all, any confessions, please message
I have a confession