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CConfessions and Chill 🚬

Last time it snowed here in my part of Queensland was in 2015 and before that was around 1987v
>>> Isn't Queensland like super hot Check your dm baby
I love winters too though i was born in hot may of summers
Yeah it does get hot in summer
Yes it's summer
I love winter. I am okay with summer god I hate rain when I'm outside
But in winter at my place it does get in to the negatives almost every morning
>>> I love winter. I am okay with summer god I... Everything is better when wet
Aww but warm fires and cozy blankets and fluffy slippers ❤️
Good morning y’all
>>> Everything is better when wet Lmao and this is why I'm not replying to ur DM 😅
>>> Aww but warm fires and cozy blankets and f... That is definitely the best part about winter
And soup
What soup
Cozy fires and soup
What soup would you like to have
By the fire
Anything made by anyone else but me. I can't cook lol
As long as you can do the dishes I can do the cooking
Three course meals every Saturday
Haha fair deal. But what if I hate them too lol
Why Saturday? I thought Sundays were roast meal day
Well we'd have to get a dishwasher and you just have to load it lol
If u stand by the sink and do dishes won't that make u the dishwasher??
>>> If u stand by the sink and do dishes won't... Exactly that's why women's feet are smaller than a man's in general but I guess I could do the dishes if you did other things lol
I can high five u for moral support
I'm a dishwasher
Mmm noted
>>> I can high five u for moral support Hmmmm depends on how soft your hands are
Perfect. So we have a chef, a dishwasher and a cheerleader. What's next
>>> Hmmmm depends on how soft your hands are Not as soft as yours will be after soaking ur hands in Palmolive hahahahahaha
>>> Not as soft as yours will be after soaking... Touche
Drop those hands
>>> Touche Hahaha
Ayeone want pvt chat
So what shoe size do you take
So a 7 in mens
I am a 10
>>> Ayeone want pvt chat Only if ur over 18
>>> Only if ur over 18 Really that's all there should be
I will pm me
The week really has begun
Working sucks
Hmu to share
I actually kinda love working but I'm a workaholic
I confess i haven't been laid in 3 and a half years
That’s painful
Why not ?
I confess I really wanna show off and I've done it for a while now and I'm liking it... Anyone to feminize?
>>> Ayeone want pvt chat Hmu
Pffft 3 and a half years
When you realize the type of person you are and it is so bad that you cannot stand yourself in the mirror that is when you become a ma GA supporter
That hat make you feel like invincible and part of something without thinking about your beliefs and your actions
Pm to rate me
>>> When you realize the type of person you ar... So I guess 34 of the country can't look at themselves in the mirror?
Do you think you are part of 34 of this country?
>>> That hat make you feel like invincible and... Ummm the libtards lost snowflake
The majority isn't always right tho
That is simply extremism from a cult
Trump 🇺🇸
>>> The majority isn't always right tho True just look at the previous election
Look at the nazi party in Germany in the 1930s, they also had a majority vote
What is
Anybody on here right now? Dm for confessions
Hey look what I found the libtard mute button. It's called a fair election 🤣🤣🤣
I did, differently from you.. and only 22.7% of Americans wear that hat
Nobody said it wasn't a fair election
Fair because the pumpkin won??
Even though he admitted about manipulating votes in Pennsylvania??
Who hasn’t tho
I guess you don’t even understand what he says during his cult events 😂😂😂
New moon ... you ever tell the truth 😂 or you just make up random thoughts and spew hate ??
8 years of your snow flakes and cry babies
Bye bye
I do just don’t care I didn’t even vote
The president he is just itching to push that shiny red button
>>> I guess you don’t even understand what he ... This is going to feel so good to be able to shut you crying snowflake up 🤣🤣🤣
Try it
Hopefully you will find out soon what you voted for
the only pres that HASNT started s new war 🙄
I hope he pushes it and blows up half of the country with him
I hang around a largely leftist crowd and none of my friends claimed that it was an unfair election
The country was done for no matter who got elected
I have to vote albo or Dutton
>>> The president he is just itching to push t... Guess what snow flakes are found a shiny red button that actually shuts you off it's called The Electoral college button 🤣🤣🤣
>>> I hang around a largely leftist crowd and ... 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Lie
If you truly think that matters your dumb
It's the choice between a bigger push towards a complete renewable energy grid or we retrofit decommissioned coal power plants to be nuclear
Some guys on here asking fr a mother and daughter 3sum haha sorry she's to lil haha
"""I’m craving something exciting. ✞ꫀᥣׁꫀᧁɑຕ 👉 LILAROSI Dm me if you’re the one to make it happen 😉💖🌟."""