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Zdrowie & Wsparcie/

CConfessions and Chill 🚬

preciate u🤝 😌
41m single dad
Lol spark
Come back to bed.
Waking up next to sparky 😔 then making him breakfast 🤗
>>> That this room would be normal for one day No it is confession room
I'm in bed 😌
What is normal thing U think somebody will come to confess in anonymous chatting
Tight jeans or leggings
Leggings are cool
U will be panned 9 times lol
Skirt and blouse Or pant suit say for like work
>>> Tight jeans or leggings Leggings
Yes that is lizzy
Which is lizzy
Where who why what
Leggings & spandex shorts
Leggings are way more revealing, so definitely those
she got sp now 🥹
Skirt and blouse
Those are nice when camel toe shows
Bruh what
Mr bbq🤝
Lol always one step too far
Leggings are much hotter
C༙L༙O༙U༙T༙...B༙E༙A༙S༙T༙✨ 😘
😔 I'm disappointed
Leggings are comfy good if just popping out
In what kozzy?
I mean 🤷🏻‍♂️
If grey had a show I would watch
Whats the matter 😔
What’s popping out, camel toe?
Bruh yall are ruining legging please su
As in leaving the house lol
Get yer mind out the gutter 😂
Sundress is always the king though