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CConfessions and Chill 🚬

I think people here are under 18 years old.
he likes that and poopers
>>> I think people here are under 18 years old. LoL
Sometimes I’ll just walk in a library for a fart
I didn't see a single under 18
Wife wants d p. I think I might give that to her.
I’m very old
I really enjoy looking at cross dressers.
I need more karma to get into loves dome 😭😭💜😂
I finally met someone who enjoyed sneaking farts
I’m decrepit
By yourself 😳
I haven’t heard decrepit since high school
My dm is free haha
Oh I don’t sneak it I like the library because its all quiet
You’re welcome
People studying and what not
Haha I’m far from that
Don’t do it you’ll start a new trend
Of course you are and I’m the pope
Don’t do it you’ll start a new trend
Then big fart one guy was writing something jolted his pencil
Thank God 😊✅
Looked at me angrily erasing his paper
Hmmm what did I walk into this time
Not much sheep
Yes they all men
everyone’s angry what does it matter
for no good reason
Why angry
Thanks for clarifying
Who’s angry
Hello 👀
Hi turkey
Very disturbed men
Society is
Do you all agree?
Angry at farts
Confess your secrets
I’m angry at sharts
This went sideways fast
I cheated with my bf in the Lingerie he bought me
no one agrees with me there goes my karma
She didn’t like the lingerie
Hope he’s still not your bf