I’m ready for the week to end
Me too today was a hot mess
What happened today fizzle
Just down 3 assistants and then other classroom with older kids can’t handle the kids
Ugh yea the kids be headaches
I teach k-2 self contained and I’m over doing everyone else’s job
Ugh yea that’s the worst when you have to do that
And then it’s not even appreciated
Well tomorrow’s a new day I’m just looking forward to my coffee.
Not snowing mostly rain 347
Hope today goes well for you.
I hope all my teacher homies been doing ok
I'm doing alright how are you?
Hellos Mr. I hope you're doing well
Okay what about your weekend
Pretty good. I'm binge watching the tv show Leverege
And relaxing in my bed with my stuffies
Yes. It's about a group of criminals that steal from bad companies and give the money to the people the company hurt.
It seems interesting 👀 I'm watching a series on Netflix
It's called Cemetery, it's a series where they solve the murders of women