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🍎Teacher’s Lounge

Grading period closes Friday so now all these students are trying to do their assignments from weeks ago
Next week
Sorry to hear.
It's OK I'm prepared for it haha
Hey Ali
Mine isn't till the first week of april
Spring break is second week of April
I have one more week than spring break
Damn that’s late.
Pi day tomorrow!!!!
I'm throwing a party for my kids
Is this an actually teachers group? 😭
Cause I need help with my math homework
And I’m not joking about it 😭
What's the question?
Might be a couple people here to help
Anyone else doing grant writing this year? Idk how many damn virtual meetings I've been in so far
Happy spring break people!
I wish. I still have school this week
Oh nos! I'm sorry
Is all good
How's school
It's great. Having a good year
We are already planning for Summer School camp
>>> It's great. Having a good year That's awesome! Mine is going well also. I'm planning how to retrain my students' behavior when we go back.
What are the cell phone policies for your classrooms?
School wide - not allowed
We put pfines in caddies
Before the hurricanes our school collected phones at the beginning of the day. After the hurricanes we had to join another school's location and we didn't want out kids to feel awkward so we didn't collect them. Now I'm having trouble with phones.
Oh man that sucks
I'm planning to make new rules when we go back. I need to try and enforce them.
Yea. I’m the same with my calculators. It gets stolen or students forget to return them.
Hello Teachers
Hey pinky
Hi Mister
Goodnight here
Yall having a good spring break?
Good here! Housecleaning lol
Mine doesn't start till Monday
How's your week been?
Pretty good. Had testing all day today. Tomorrow we're watching a movie
Our last day before spring break was pie day so I had pizza for everyone
That’s nice Ali
Yes from