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🍎Teacher’s Lounge

Hello yall
Hey fizzle
Hey 🙂
Hey teachers
What’s up
Hey teachers?
Hope everyone had a great weekend
It was too fast
Yes, agreed
Can’t believe it’s Sunday night
I’m ready for summer break
Me too I think my last day is not June 19th or June 20th
Oh damn. Mine is first week of June.
I’m ready to just sleeeep
Fizzle what do you teach
K-2 self contained special education
Good morning teachers
Man special education takes a special kind of teacher.
Bless you
Thank you love 🙂 I love it 🙂
That’s great to hear. How long have you done it
Special education here as well 🤗
6 years
At this job but double that in my career
Anybody want fun
I just modified a math quiz. That’s pretty fun
Goodnight teachers
Hi teachers
Hi hi
I’m ready for the week to end
Me too today was a hot mess
Bad student is here
What happened today fizzle
Just down 3 assistants and then other classroom with older kids can’t handle the kids
Ugh yea the kids be headaches
I teach k-2 self contained and I’m over doing everyone else’s job
Ugh yea that’s the worst when you have to do that
And then it’s not even appreciated
Well tomorrow’s a new day I’m just looking forward to my coffee.
For sure
Where you from fizzle
Wa state
Oooh for sure.
Is it snowing there.