I understand what you’re saying you like the cucumber and then if that starts to not work, you can always go with the zucchini biatch
All right man let’s calm down a little bit and just discuss Donald Trump come on. We can do that. Let’s do it on. biatch
Come on now I know some of you were talking about Donald other of you. We’re talking about Trump. Let’s put it together. Donald Trump come on let’s go yeah biatch
Turkduck is a very big time John Madden fan biatch
I like popcorn, especially if it’s a jelly belly popcorn biatch
Wow, that weirdo sure has his own opinion about things biatch
I know you do that’s why I wrote this song
Pick some scabs until they bleed a bandage is what you will need biatch
I’ve been doing keto for a long time, but I just ate a big plate of chicken Alfredo and it was amazing biatch
Come on everyone let’s sing the Donald Trump song biatch
Exactly that’s what I’m trying to tell you we have to sing the DonaldTrump song biatch
Yes, let’s see the Donald Trump song just for Trump biatch
That makes sense Donald Trump always wins biatch
I agree as grandpa’s gotta try to do the same thing biatch