Dang that ass is something else
Do you guys watch Jersey shore?
Oh, I’m queen. I’m doing very well. I’m glad you love my cleavage.
In New Jersey, we have New York City stadiums for some reason
Really if your son’s on his own, he can do his beer belly as much as he wants you can’t do anything about it
Well, in that case kick him out, I guess
I was thinking the best thing you could do is introduce him to methamphetamines
In New Jersey, you have many different beautiful places you could do
In New Jersey, you can go to a New York football game in your own state and then you could travel down the ways and go to the casino at Atlantic City
And in New Jersey, you can do the Atlantic City thing and it will get you prepared to go to the Real Pl., Las Vegas
Put New Jersey isn’t just New York stadiums and Atlantic City. It’s also right there next to Philadelphia some very important things happened.
Yes, that’s very important because chemicals can make you feel different
And traveling into New York City from New Jersey I’m not sure what the fee is just to travel across the bridge or whatever it is, but it’s probably substantial
Lake Manhattan people say we have to charge you hundreds of dollars if you want to drive in our city and don’t worry about Parking it’s only cost you like $200 a day yeah
No, I get it man. You don’t have to pay all the New York charges. You can always just not go there. There’s plenty of places around the country. They’re 1000 times nicer than New York that you could live in.
New Jersey look across to the statue of liberty and see the New York high-rise
New York high-rise you know what a beautiful thing right it only cost like 50 bucks to cross into New York so it’s not a big deal