Seriously who cares? We just want people to tell the truth if you’re an old woman that’s fine. But don’t say you’re a young woman if you’re actually a old woman why don’t you just tell the truth Mothy biatch
The truth of the matter is, we just wanna know who you are what your age is honestly, we don’t needa bunch of lies biatch
Do you think we give a crap about all of your political crap oh no, we all have different opinions on political crap biatch
Oh yeah, that stuff is kind of crazy but whatever seriously I don’t care if you’re a loser punk biatch
You have no idea as a loser punk how bad it can get because you live in your total bizarre world biatch
Why go to college unless you want to be brainwashing to a total communist liberal biatch
Why does college cost so much? Do you think is it because of the Democrat cocksuckers? biatch
Call shouldn’t cost that much but we have to pay total fucktard people to act like they’re an actual whatever they’re doing yeah we gotta pay them $100 million or whatever we have to pay that shit fuck off shouldn’t cost that much
Hell, yeah colleges should not charge as much money they do they do it because of the government and they can get away with it biatch
Oh yeah, Greg is OK and the liberal idiots are stupid to work establishingI’m biatch
What are you talking about movies the movie these days sucks so bad then I don’t think anybody cares other than the idiot liberals biatch
The idiot liberals that say yeah oh yeah, we love everything if you’re just children and all that stuff, we love that stuff biatch
College should be 90% cheaper than it is it’s all about crap. Why do you want to pay for this scrap is a question biatch
Yes, I agree a bunch of absolute moron. Idiots come on. We gotta do something different. biatch
Forcing people to take your insane vaccine off your ass when I can do it fuck off
Somehow, they make that to be that we are the bad people the people that don’t wanna do your crap are the bad people seriously go fuck yourselves man we’re not done yet. We’re gonna take over.
For me when I say, what is we is the free thinking conservative people that don’t want to go along with all your crap biatch
Can you imagine people that think you could take your seven-year-old child and total transition him into something that you don’t even know that means you guys are so sick beyond sick you guys are insanely pathetically sick I can imagine come on biatch
I understand being a normal person is weird apparently in today’s world biatch
Donald Trump hell, yeah let’s do it Donald Trump. Let’s go. biatch
Do you enjoy Donald Trump? Let’s go come on yeah biatch
Oh yeah, being normal is not even understandable. How can you be normal when we get a bunch of hard-core pedophiles everywhere? biatch
None of these weirdos have any idea about actually trying to do a business or anything like that? They’re all free free free free Bernie Sanders biatch
Yeah, the problem with college educated people is they get brainwashed into the total insane trap. They don’t even have any idea how to critically think anymore biatch
Hell, yeah you’re right. If you’re making free free free free you’re mean thing to do hell yeah that means you’re doing what you gotta do. Let’s go come on. biatch