I know if you slam on Christians and talk crap about Christians apparently that’s not hate speech right? biatch
And the fact that I don’t like children being totally mutilated with some kind of BS transgender crap that’s not hate. That’s just trying to protect children. biatch
Exactly I’m a dumb ass Christian, but that’s not hate speech for sure biatch
Yeah, your point is on the top of your head and you should wear a hat and cover that up biatch
Do you think heterosexuals could do a parade where they’re having sex and banging each other and walking around naked do you think they would allow that or is it only for the gay people? biatch
Oh no, a 22-year-old female thinks I’m an idiot. I just got a high school three years ago and I’m a genius and I know everything says the 22-year-old female. biatch
Come on now you know you want some free stuff that’s why we gotta get someone similar to Bernie Sanders in charge here. OK cause we’re not getting enough free stuff yet biatch
Yeah, especially when you had all that corn that was amazing. You must’ve took some major cock in your ass to produce that much corn. biatch
The best sandwiches whenever you make it your home the way you like it biatch
Seriously man do you think anybody can make it so much better than the one you can make yourself? biatch
I mean you got some horseradish or whatever you like you got roast beef or steak or whatever you like or ham what are you talking about? biatch
Yeah, we’re talking about sandwiches. What’s your sandwich bitch?
Seriously everybody likes their so much different so if you make your own sandwich, it’s gonna be exactly what you want biatch
I mean a lot of people like spicy like ham or no stuff other people don’t like that so much so how do we make thiswork? biatch