Yeah, same. I’m still not even home. I wanna die
Mmm. Unfortunately a lot of time differences in this room
Damn you’re 8 hours ahead
Oh gods I think I love him🥺
I’m scared of Renee Rapp can I kiss her
Cats are liquid for 100%. Did you kiss the full D or just the top.. of his head
Much respect those Greeks sure know how to protest
My cats are on some terrorism watchlist somewhere
Mine don’t pee in the sink lol
Tho tbh sink and bath tub are like giant litter boxes for a cat. My childhood cat used to do her business in the bath when she couldn’t get outside
super gross but cats be cats
My cat discovered I had plants after like, a whole year of not noticing them, and she ripped all the leaves off and took a dump in the soil
I just drove to london just to get Taco Bell. I think I may have gone a little insane