I literally see underage people every god damn day on this app
It’s not supported.. that’s what they say, but it’s likely not supported because Apple bricked the app
It could mean that but idk, something shady is going on
Yeah cause it’s been put in read only mode, which is essentially bricked
They’re not allowing anyone to post content via the iOS app. That’s a huge thing for Apple to do
That probably means Apple is worried about liability for content posted on their os, which means it’s likely illegal
They’ve been removed from app stores before, they got back but they’ve done whatever again and been removed again. This app is dodgy as hell we all know that
Yeah apparently the “new” company is owned by the dev’s wife so it is clearly just rebranding to avoid Apple , it won’t work out for them
Hmm I got sent to prison for 2 weeks but I’m here.. odd
Try find it in your previously installed bit maybe
don’t hold your breath lol
Idk but my rating was 69 and I had a nice chuckle
I’m surprised it’s not 1 star tbf
Everyone in here I looked at was 4 star
The OC was so good tho cause yknow Olivia Wilde being a lesbian. Teenage me loved it
It’s a dumb show about dumb American teenagers, it’s cheesyas hell but as a teenager it was awesome
Season 2 was when the blonde lady had a weird lesbian affair I think. That was the most interesting part for me ofc
Finally getting my shit heap car fixed. Not the wing mirror tho. Someone broke it even more 😂😂😂