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Watching that adolescent show on netflix
Is that what the show is called?
Did he really kill the classmate?!
Spoiler alert
Lol I’m so nosy. There’s only 4 episodes!
It's established pretty early, first episode
>>> Watching that adolescent show on netflix Is it good?
It's more about the psychology of young people, but it's very good I think
Yes I'm holy now huhu 😂😂
I finished 23 reasons why all seasons last week
Fiiine I’ll go watch it
Mousey what did you read this weekend?
>>> I finished 23 reasons why all seasons last... 13*
That show is so depressing and bad.
Reading this one right now
>>> That show is so depressing and bad. A bit on the sad side yeah but it's good. I got some other reasons to appreciate it
>>> Reading this one right now Looks interesting. Waiting for your review
Is that strawberry for me? 😋
I want some of the strawberry too!
Yeah cheese for mouse
Torta face
Lmao I’m done with y’all. I want real food! 🗣️
Cheese is real
Not you too 🤦🏽‍♀️
That cat m box sticker is so cute
>>> 🪤 Cheesey trap?
Do any of these traps have lotion for my legs? The sun is shining bright today!
Poor rat leg
Lmao sir I am a MOUSE 😤
Use oil
hi guys