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Trimite și primește mesaje anonime

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  2. Atinge „Adaugă pe ecranul principal”
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Camere de chat anonime, Joc de rol pentru întâlniri cu străini aleatorii online
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SShy People 🙊🙊

Where in Europe?
You're too curious coffin
West europe
You don't have to answer sheesh
ik idgaf. U can guess if you want
>>> Tell him you think he’s too good for you a... Wahaha... This one (if he is smart…) is an obvious pointing out of his fault. 🤣
I don't give a flying fk where u from I'm bored.. I'm ina middle of an interview and this btch I'm talking to takes forever to respond
Are we still why??? 👀
🥞 🥓 🍳
-ve idgaf = I dun give a f +ve idgaf = I definitely get a fish
Kin coffin
What 👀
How are u all
God good!
Hi, friends how are you
Dandelion looks delicious
Good for you
Is there no one to chat with?
We're all shy 😂
Don't be so shy 😀
I'm shy
Why shy?
S.H.Y. = Silly Healthy Youth
I see
Write me privately
Go gr7Mc
Newbie lrnrmoe7, this is your Anti Card for the next 30 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word Eliminate in your story.