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SShy People 🙊🙊

Good afternoon everyone ✌️
Hi back at ya!
>>> Im curvy 😌 Always good to have something to grab !
Coffee 🤗 how are you sweety?
I'm good but hot , how are you
Hello 👋
>>> 😑 Lol.whats the face for ?
For the duck. Sorry I forgot y’all can’t see my replies.
Coffee is hot ✅️... having a small break ..heavy ling shft being hangover 🫠
Another mouse 👀
Mamousecita 🤗
Hello Luke 👋🏽
Assalam o alaikum
How are you guy?
How’s Ramadan going?
>>> I'm good but hot , how are you You hot 😏?
>>> Assalam o alaikum Waleikum Salam
Hello Your Karma 👋🏽
I hope Ramadan is going well for you! You have like a week left right?
What’s up guys?
Lunch done time for café número dos
>>> 🤰🏽 👀
Aftari done
Did you pinch my eye 👀
Ooh 😮
What is aftari ?
Is it iftar?
Your Karma ...is a scary name
>>> Lunch done time for café número dos Coffee 😍
That’s my name on the other app 😂🤫
Ayeee mamousecita