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⭐️Type your thoughts 💭

I'm so funny 🤣🤣
Extremely funny
bella what’s ur secret to lots of karma
Idk im poor 😔
if ur poor i wonder what that makes me
Hey there
No one can handle these thougts
The club cant handle us right now
Why why why
So gassy today
I hate how the apartment I live in, has thin walls. You can hear almost every argument there is 🥲
Tell us about it, what are were they arguing about? 👀👂
i hear my neighbour using her ‘electric toothbrush’ 😬
exactly lol
A man yelling at his wife over the smallest thing, also witness my neighbor calling his wife a wh0re but in reality, he got caught cheating and she was throwing his things out and he mad because she’s embarrassing him in front of everyone
Oh my goodness 🫢
It was hectic
I bet lol
It's raining and it's cold. I think I should go to sleep and enjoy the cold while asleep.
Enjoy while it lastss because summer is Nearly waiting unfortunately 💀
I love summer. Pls hurry up and come back
i’m ready for warmer weather fr
Oh hell nah, I hate summer 😭
I get rude when it’s hot, like shiiit puts me in a bad mood
Are u a big girl
Like do you sweat a lot or something
Lol no, I can’t enjoy my day when it’s Scorching hot
Not everyone likes summer
what country are you guys in?
I like being outdoors and at the beach so summer is the best
Winters are depressing
i’m in england and it will be mostly grey and rainy here but there will be some nicer days in the summer
I only go to the beach for the sunsets lmaoo then I leave
How about sports, barbecues, hiking and other outdoor activities
I don’t like hiking although, my friends and I find view spots for hell of it because everything looks nice on top