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Finger massage
Orion boo
I didn't know you were here 😭 hellowello Orion
This chill is making me feeling terrible
Blanket ye, hot drinks no
Star hablibli, send me some tropical winds
Maybe hot water with a bit of lemon in? Hellowello star ✨⭐
With lemon
Ive been to this before, one wrong turn and ill end up in the doc
Let's hope your immune system is feeling a bit stronger this time round and can help you crush this thing 🥹
Be careful yes
Doodleydoo how are you doing today? 🤗🥳 I bet it does Chowbow 😥 if you feel yourself getting worse can you easily get to the hospital?
Try changing of breathing
Or full lay down rest once a while
During juice break and tea break
I just woke up but still feel sleepy so I will do that before work
Tomorrow maybe miss
Ah it blocked me message 🥲
Alright i gotta try to rest now see yall
I hope your nap prepares you for your big day ahead Doodleydoo. And I hope the rest and blankets helps prevent you from needing the hospital Chowbow
Thank you Oddybooness
Feel better Chowmeme
o.0deypuffpuff 🧸🔒 where i stands for ignored
Looking for a man who Works out, looks good. Can lift weights and my spirits :’) if you lift heavier than my emotional baggage, we might be onto something 💪🏽 🐽
There u go
The one who Can lift weights and Her emotional baggage
That's a lot of lifting
I wonder Is it doable
>>> o.0deypuffpuff 🧸🔒 where i stands for ign... Eeek you're gonna hang this over my head aren't you
I'm sad now