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21 Questions ❓❔

The should rename the show “I Shouldn’t Be Alive” “Stupid People Doing Stupid Things That Nearly Get Them Killed” instead
Q: What scenario would most likely earn you a spot on the show “I Shouldn’t be Alive”?
A: 2 cars colliding while you’re standing in the middle of the road
You were probably texting while crossing the road too
oh you mean a personal story? ooh that would be partying back in the day 💀
Drugs involved?
possibly 🤫
So when your folks said “don’t do drugs”, it went in one ear and out the other lol
I mean they never technically told me not to 🤷🏻‍♀️ they assumed I was a good girl 😇
I’m guessing you have older siblings
nooo I’m an only! 🤣🤣 I love it
hbu did you see the light and said nah?
Omg you didn’t even need to learn from siblings’ mistakes. Deceiving you poop parents came naturally to you lol
poor lol
you know want that say about Catholic school girls 😈
Catholic School Girls Rule
we’re good at being bad 😇
Where’s Minnie cat goaty
She’s the original bad cute kitty
Yup. That's about right
Kill ya with passion
scared of you
Should be
Idk where Minnie is
Somewhere sleeping
You sure she’s not out looking for her bf?
I bet she has like 5
NH she came inside when I took Punk out
nah *
she’s a good girl
She’s always good. Just mean 💀
That’s why she’s your Minnie boo
Dog just farted in my face
Fart back at it 👀
>>> The should rename the show “I Shouldn’t Be... They should rename the show "How Natural Slection Failed"