NH she came inside when I took Punk out
She’s always good. Just mean 💀
That’s why she’s your Minnie boo
Dog just farted in my face
>>> The should rename the show “I Shouldn’t Be...
They should rename the show "How Natural Slection Failed"
And I think I just watched my last episode. This man just ate his dog🤬😭😡😖🤬
Why you still watching it even tho you know it’s crazy 🥴
I can’t just watch one episode lol. I must watch all of them
I draw the line at killing your pet for sustenance. Dude was then rescued just a few hours later
Selena, would you have done the same?
I don’t watch those kinds of things
I mean how far in are we without food?
I don’t know if I can talk to you anymore
If I had electrolytes I could last 2 weeks but after that it’s cmere Fluffy time to go nite nite
I hope fluffy comes back to HAUNT YOU!
Where’s Jaded. She needs to do something about you lol
the freezer would be most humane no?
You better not have any pets at your house right now
I’m having them all taken away from you
I don’t ahaha but I want cats someday
did you just ask to speak to the manager?
She needs to put you in time out
Even worse. You’ll get your feet tickled for an hour
ha that’s not my tickle spot!