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  1. Pieskaries “Kopīgot”
  2. Pieskaries “Pievienot sākuma ekrānam”
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21 Questions ❓❔

I have a serious question
Minnie bites
You decide to go on an adventure with pinky and Minnie. Destination: Amazon Rainforest. You get lost for 3 weeks and are slowly dying of starvation. What do you do?
Goaty can hunt
He ain’t eating them
More like his cats will eat him
Punky and Minnie are thriving while he’s dying.
the cats would eat him first
Dang, really?
See she agrees with me
oh yeah Minnie would hunt him and punk would slowly nibble the privates
That’s kind of unsettling
don’t babysit them or you’re next
I actually do hunt
So if I have any kind of gun or bow, I’d like to think I could find food
Goaty, for your sake, I hope you sleep with one eye opened every night
He sleeps with punky
I do that anyway
on his privates see he’s casing him
My goodness
She’s projecting
you wish
I thought that was a raccoon
yeah I was thinking some wild animal he hunted
I saw a possum last night
Are you sure it’s a possum?
Last night yeah
It was on top the fence
Im having Déjà vu for some reason 🤣
Right?! I remember there was a time he also saw a possum at night on top of the fence too
does possum make good jerky
I never ate a possum
They climb on the fence all the time
Have never seen one do that
Goaty take a pic of pho next time you see it!
Uh oh
they have vicious teeth
🤨Wererabbits huh
Here’s one from a couple months ago