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21 Questions ❓❔

My question… how many times did you have to retake your driving test ?
When you first got your license
Now that’s scary. I’m staying out of your path of travel
*runs her over*
She’s a menace to society
Uhhh three test. G1. G2. G
Now I'm feelin' so fly like a G6 Like a G6, like a G6
How tall is to tall
7’ maybe 🤔
I understand that. especially if the person is like 5’2
Nice legs
What is the powerhouse of the cell.
Your turn
Q: Where are grasshopper’s ears located?
Phoenix🤗😘 🤗
In the back of his head.
In their wings
On their bellies, underneath their wings
Close enough😅
That’s interesting. I wonder why.
🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ll try to find out lol
….because their hearing organs, called "tympana," are situated there, allowing them to detect sound waves through a thin membrane that vibrates when sound hits it, essentially acting like an eardrum; this placement helps them hear the songs of other grasshoppers for mating and also to detect potential predators approaching from various directions
I looked it up for you
Oooooo that’s really interesting.
Q: Where is Shikaka’s tympana located?
In the dirt cause he stopped working
A: her butt
So she can detect sound waves that vibrate it when sound hits it? 🤔
Yes and hear other cows songs for mating
A. Namm
Message removed
New video
Love that new video
Thank you 😘🤗
Q: What do you notice first about another person?
A: smile
A: their feet
A: their demeanor towards people