What else did you put in the ramen?
Oh no just the sauce and tofu lol
Yep took my friend for there first time and they had a blast
Hey guys.Look what I found today when I was going through some stuff🤣🤣🤣😂
I was going through a tote of Sam's sweaters to see if anything in there might fit Coco.. And I came across these leg warmers, and I was just dying lmao
I know I never put these on my cat l o l
I am down for some T or D
They would actually look really adorable on coco l o l
But i'm not going to make her wear them.Because I know she will not be keen on them l o l
I just had no recollection of getting these, so they gave me quite the chuckle when I saw them
Don’t forget to change clocks tonight everybody
But I don’t wanna lose an hour of sleep
Spring Ford fall back means spring forward we gain an hour fallback means we lose an hour in the fall
We fall back we gain hour spring forward we lose cause it would really be 12 now
Yeah the clock moves forward an hour so we lose an hour of sleep
>>> Don’t forget to change clocks tonight ever...
I never bothered changing my bedroom 6 months ago, so it's good 👍 🤣🤣😂
It's high up, so it's a pain to get to.So I just didn't bother changing it last time, l m a o
Finally it will be correct again🤣😂
Look at it this way, even if you never change anything, that means that your clocks are going to be accurate at least fifty percent of the time 😆🤣🤣
That's an extreme to the phrase "a stopped clock is right twice a day"
Honestly, I've been tempted to leave my car clock alone too. But that one always drives me nuts, so I end up changing it every six months
It's a pain in the butt, though l o l
I change mine too. In fact I need to today
Was your dare to say your turn ons in the room?
I don't think that cat knew what she was saying🤣
I'll change all the clocks downstairs here in a few. I just don't bother with the one in the bedroom because it's high up and I have to get on a ladder to get to it. N honestly, I never really use it anyway, because i'm always looking to my phone instead for the time l o l
>>> I do love being watched
Should I get out my microscope?
>>> I'll change all the clocks downstairs here...
True, no point really. It'll keep you on your toes
>>> Should I get out my microscope?