Honestly didn’t even know the Super Bowl was in February 😂
The only reason I know is because it's usually the same week as my birthday lol
It does seem to be getting a bigger following over here in the uk though each time it’s on
It's usually I think it's always the beginning of February or maybe end of January beginning of February something like that
My brothers are both soccer fans
I grew up with them playing soccer and they follow it and the World Cup and all that
But nobody in my family was ever into American football
Europe has rugby which is pretty similar I think
I’m not really a football kind of guy myself I’m more into rugby league
Yeah we played rugby when I was in high school lol all I remember is the scrum LOL
And trying to avoid other people LMAO cuz I was small and I didn't want to get crushed🤣🤣
The big rugby one that most people watch is rugby union but that’s more of a down south game where as league is more northern
I mean if people have rugby I don't think they're missing anything in terms of American football
Athletics here is just a lot of hype
And the Super Bowl isn't just about the game it's like a whole theatrical event with the halftime show
Yeah you guys do go wild for your sports
Yeah I'm not a super fan of anything. I don't go Gaga over stuff like that
But a lot of people take it very seriously
The thing I used to look forward to with the Super Bowl where the commercials because there's a history of them showing really funny outrageous commercials during it
Yeah I’ve heard they are supposed to be funny
They used to be. Last few years have been disappointing
I don't think they're as funny as they used to be but I still tune in in hopes of getting a chuckle
Maybe they had too many complaints if people found some of them offensive
No I don't think it was that
Ha ha panda, you guys are cute
Working 2 days before the new year should be illegal
Tell me about it I’m working New Year’s Eve as well finishing at 9pm
I'm working the next two days too 😒