yeah I may get rock salt that does both. it’s been an intense winter
Yeah I used to have things that I put on the bottom of my shoes to walk on slippery surfaces they were kind of like cleats to walk on the ice
Can't really do that for car tires though LOL
Unless you put chains on them
The downside of all that salt is that it all runs off and it's so bad for the grass and environment.
yeah. I have chains but the issue is i’d need to take them off as soon as I get to the bottom of the driveway
I remember reading a while back about them using a new spray with molasses for roads now
Is your driveway on a slope?
so for now i’m just parking at the street and walking up
Well at least you have street parking available so that's good
yeah. a pain to lug groceries up lol
but hopefully I won’t have to do that too many more times before the thaw
Yeah hopefully the sun will come out and melt it soon
I keep hearing stuff crashing here it's ice and snow crashing down from the roof LOL
Are we talking about twigs and berries or we talking about peaches getting chapped lol
If you have golf shoes they work wonders on ice
Just visiting hubby at work for lunch
Looks like a nice day out there
Trying these again tonight and much better. This one was lightly glazed and it was perfect!
Donuts without the guilt LOL
I'm in the office today 😒