Yep it's 1k. Keeps the bots out unless they can get two roses. Which they have been making female accounts and asking for roses, and some sap always gifts them
Lol she'll forget about it once it dries
He is a very happy boy βΊοΈ
Kirby got a pepperette today the little mooch
Still trick or treats in here?
You're always a t re at angel
Treating myself to lunch right now LOL
I'm using that app lil alot
Yeah I use it myself a lot now too it's really interesting
I find it really helpful for toiletries.. like the hand soap that I was using that was all clear and natural came out as low
So I guess it's not as natural as I thought it was LOL going back to the 7th generation soap which is rated excellent
I like that it shows other options that might be better
So I scanned a granola bad and it wasn't good but showed other options so I'll get those instead now
Dose it work on people asking for a friend and toys like legos
I hope your pain doing better angel
I'm glad they found and were able to rescue the kitten
>>> I like that it shows other options that mi...
Yeah I love that too. It's very helpful
I have a lot of stuff here from my other cat but it doesn't fit her
I put her in a cape one time. She doesn't really have like to have stuff on them
Is she gonna get skinny enough to fit in the other stuff
I doubt she'll ever be able to fit the other stuff I have here
She doesn't really like having things on top of her but maybe if I found a comfortable sweater he might wear it in the winter if she gets chilly. But I think she prefers just laying on heating pad