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🐼Truth Dare Chill 🐼

Glad you were able to get some rest🤗❤️
Morning everyone
Anyone watch the Oscars last night?
Oh cool!
Daww sleepy boy
Hru panda
Back to regular hours?
I'm doing ok. Yes back to regular hours luckily
Working from home this week
Ikr. I hate overnight work. I'm like a zombie the whole second half
Yeah it throws everything off
People can't just lift their schedules like that period I never understood why they do that to medical personnel, having them working different shifts like that
It really does impair your functioning
>>> I'm doing ok. Yes back to regular hours lu... Good!
Yeah it's crazy, pick one or the other
So the body can get used to it
Lunch already
Looks good
What is it
Bean chili and I added chickpeas
Had some that needed to be eaten
It's protein packed 😋
I'm hungry
What's for lunch?
I don't have lunch for over an hour but I'm just having a frozen meal
Ooo Amy's
How fitting
Haha yea
Lmk if that's good!
I'm cooking some pinto beans atm. I love being home
I've had it before, it's one of my favorites actually
Ha I wish I could be home
Oh good!
It's nice cause I can have laundry going or food cooking while I work
I hope everyone doing good
drop the dogs