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🐼Truth Dare Chill 🐼

Ooo it might be a smoker. Or a burn pile
Yeah cuz it kind of smells like smoked food a little bit sometimes. It's really disgusting like if I have my windows open and it comes in all of my bedding and carpet and everything in the room will stink like it
And they do this year-round even in the summer here
Oh yeah I'm thinking maybe it's a smoker because it goes on for hours and hours
But people also do use their chimneys so sometimes it's a combination of different types of smoke in the air
Very weird.. ugh. You need to live in the woods 😆
I never had this issue in other neighborhoods.
When I lived at my apartment we had big trucks going by so had to deal with nasty exhaust but all the units had gas fireplaces so there wasn't wood-burning going on. Even when people would Grill they did it far away from the units
It must be a smoker or the fireplaces. Maybe someone is burning fake logs or something
Fake logs I don’t think they would be that bad . I know that if it wet wood or like pin it would make a lot of smoke . They use that kind of wood and stuff to get rescued off the island we found in the woods, but you have to be very very careful using that stuff and I sure as heck would not want to use that in a house because if you’re using that there’s a chance I could poof
Yeah I think it's whatever they are burning is not good wood because it just gives off so much smoke and it's so strong..
Maybe they didn’t open their flute and if it’s a smoker, holy crap that stuff if anything, my friend had one next to his house kitchen it smell like smoke every day and you gotta be careful type of wood you use when you have it use the crap you want your food will taste like crap and your stuff will start smelling bad. It’s worse than a fireplace cause that thing is just made for smoking high high heat it’s a slow cooking thing, but you get the gft
Yeah I know it's awful. I know somebody around here must have a smoker because it's so Gross.. when they do it in the summer if I have my windows open at night even if they're just open a few minutes and it comes in the whole whole room and everything smells like
Like it that smell gets into all the fabrics and everything it's so Gross
It's frustrating to me because I don't open the windows here often and sometimes I will do it in the summer at night to try and cool things down but it's like a few minutes after I open them I have to end up closing them because whoever it is will inevitably end up lighting up the smoker😩
They always seem to have it going on at night after dinner time and it continues for hours
That’s mostly when it’s cooling down smoke is something that will stay in everything. It will go away. If you do either have to replace everything or I have to wipe everything down. It’s a pain in the ass. Usually when that happens I just smoke damage, but it’s it’s a losing battle
Zzzz. Zzzzz zzzz sleeping at this time sun fox will get back to you after three business days so please leave a message after the beep
Morning 🌆
Anyone down ?
Drinking early Melly? 😆
Brrrrr Angel
Ok enough with the negative temps ugh
At least there is some snow on the ground so animals can find water
I got a squirrel diner where the squirrels can open the lid for a critter blend, but they haven't found it in a day lol
They are too focused on the bird seed scraps
Awww. Cute! They will be so excited once they discover it!
I am so full after this lunch LOL
I had a sandwich on bread I made, but the bread sucks
Is it better if you toast it?
Discussion varnish kiss was really good. I used Barilla protein+ pasta with it.
This kasha varnishkes*
Yes must be toasted
Sounds yummy!
Yeah I added peas carrots and onions but you can't really see it in the picture LOL
I wonder what that would taste like if it was wrapped up in a taco. that looks yummy
You could eat it in a taco but that would be a lot of carbs LOL like a Pizza Hut bread bowl🤣🤣😆
Jim Gaffigan's pasta bread bowl LOL
>>> You could eat it in a taco but that would ... Oh my bad it was Domino's LOL