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❤️‍🩹 Married & unhappy

Steve’s 🍑
lol who is Steve , idk 😂 but that’s what i thought
Everyone knows a Steve
Lol everyone is Steve
It’s all the same
Dindin tiiiiiiime
Ooh nice
Ooo that looks good!
Would smash that
That what i think when I’m at the gym 🤦‍♀️
Or you send out a SOS
Hahah I run and avoid when they talk to me
Today I got a new gym crush 🥲
With good reason tho
He will be my Tuesday crush
You do this to yourself 🥸
Haha I do!!
This one we actually talk tho
Oh lawd
That sounds dangerous
We have a running joke 😍 he could get it but I wont give it 😭
I would judge you either way
Oh so yall jokey jokey 📝
Ask him to spot you
Hahah JUDGE ME 😭
Look i would ask him to f… me but… I AM NOT TRYING TO DATE here
Would never
lol i love you
When you do hip thrusts
I can hear this
Hahaha right
Love you more 🖤👯‍♀️
Ughh so hard not to throw the 🐱 around
I feel like F’ing and not dating could be easily accomplished
My last damn hook up ended up in the craziest relationship
lol ughhh its because we fk like we trying to date 😭
Is the 🐱too good
The personality also real crazy
The gym rats love that