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❤️‍🩹 Married & unhappy

I talk to myself In PMS.
lol is it a good convo at least ?
Because this dude over here talking about nothing for 9 straight msgs 🥴
God damn.
Break up lol
Mines are agreement over how wars more
Hahah I’m hoping his conversation with himself will get good and I can keep lurking
Hahaha how many times will you msg a person before you give up?
I message once and give up
Right!!! Same if ever
You got one time to not reply
Like fuck it
I don't want to be a bother
I knew a capt jimbo before, was backing in a single walled hull crew boat and hit the side of the slip, punctured a fuel tank. He melted the cup and got fired 😩
Been a while
Hello all
anyone having fun
Dil❤️❤️❤️ Coast 📣📣📣
Darah!! ❤️❤️❤️
What’s up all
What’s everyone up too
I’m avoiding intimacy and work. Anyone else ?
That’s two intense things to avoid, I’m just relaxing after work
Haha I am an intense person
How was work
Work was alright glad it’s over mondays are always hard to get back into
I get that
How’s the weather for the week over there ??
Cold to start
I feel like the winter has lasted forever, 😭
60 for two days then cold rest of the week
Yup sure does this year
We had an entire week of nice weather , now the 4inches of snow is coming
NO ONE ever liked four inches
Send this way
Please and thank you
lol if I could I would
That’s true
lol like either give it to me all or give me none 😭
Is it to early to ask people what their plans are for the weekend ,,, 😂we just live one weekend at a time
Not working is part of the plan every dam weekend haha
lol good !!
No work and keeping calm would be ideal, let me veggie out in a giant bed and watch shows
Define “shows”
Hahaha corn
Hey doc 📣📣📣