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Kapcsolatok & Társaság/

❤️‍🩹 Married & unhappy

Dried, seasoned pigs blood… eat raw or fried!!
Youre welcome!!
Oh god
Yeah no thanks.
Hi Lobstah
Is that morcilla?
Black pudding!
Morcilla 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
I’d try it
So good
I tried it in Burgos.. now often I dream about it 😆
Cooked right it’s delicious!!
I haven’t had good morcilla in years
Get real black pudding not that catering stick lol
Yeah, it’s super!!!
Agreed but it’s all google had to offer!! 😂😂
I just eat it when I’m in Spain.. otherwise is impossible to eat a good one here
That's what you want it's amazing
Morcilla y sidra 🤤🤤🤤🤤
>>> Agreed but it’s all google had to offer!! ... Hahaha I got ya bro
From the butchers it’s stunning!!
Agreed 100%
Always buy from butcher never the store don't compare
Different strokes for different folks
Ladybird trust me you will notice a massive difference in flavour
What you talking about willis?? 😂
I’ve never been to Europe but it’s on my list
That will sort the old uns out!!
Who is Willis
Still have no clue haha
Diffrent strokes! RIP Gary Coleman
Oh 🤣
Where about are you bro in uk
Need to try original Morcilla while drinking sidra in asturia
Ahhh cool , was up at the races a few weeks ago for the Ebor!
Yeah there amazing so good did you enjoy it get to see much of york
Not this time but have been before! Gorgeous city! The minster is stunning!!
Yeah I love it here so much
There so much to see and do
Who’s in nyc
New yorkers hehehe