Watchu know about that tootsie roll ayyyyyy
If i get low i cant get back up
Ayeee that’s my older cousins era 🥹
Sarah can you message me pahhhlease
Haha we will get you a wheelchair, drop it lowwww
Can i just give you a rose instead 🤣
Give me a diamond but still drop it lowww
The app is dying anyways 👀👀👀🥴
It was dying 10 years ago
What are we talking about 🥴😂
Haha right who cares let’s dance 📣📣
What other moves ya know 👀
Can’t ruin all my surprises 👀
You going to have to wait and find out
I can get low and get back up too 😮💨
In picture form, and without crackling ??
Booties selfies are such a literal pain🥲🥲🥲
I heard these new phones u can wave ur palm and it takes the selfie in 3 seconds or 5 seconds
Mine has a special button I press that will take me to my camera I can press it again and take a picture lol
Yea the palm thing tho means u can take a pic standing away from ur phone
Late night from New England
Relaxing here too but in bed