You've got the age where they just don't do anythinganymore
I want what Birdie is having
Winds are high here with a threat of a blizzard
Oh it's 8° with wind gusts up to 60mph
Yeah, I ain't going out for nothing the wind-chill is serious
It was 55 yesterday it's not fair
Don't mind my old perverted self
It was nice and sunny, most sun I have seen in awhile just windy af
Good for you. I didn't get my ten k not even close today
On a work day I usually get between 10-12 k
But not as many lately my back has been giving me a little trouble
You should stack me into that tub too
Imma just perve on the Birdie thighs
Why all those girlie bath things sound like deserts
I probably drown my dumbass
I wish I had a bigger tub. I'd have a soak too
I'dbe looking for treasure
Ok, imma go before I sound more desperate and hrny🤣
Don't even, you know it's your fault
But really I am gonna be good and go