Being human being is a sin
Just having your brain awake and turned on is a sin
Thus, the need for Christ
You will never be holy in gods definition without faith in Christ
I don’t care what drug you quit. I don’t care if you stop cussing. If you stop jacking off.
He’s basically saying I can’t be holy. I keep on sending.
Jesus said if you even look at a woman lustfully it’s adultry. He said if you even get angry and another person, you just committed murder.
He also told one certain rich guy, if you truly want to be holy, like God then sell everything that you have and give it to the Poor
Do you see how hard it is to be holy ? It’s impossible. It does not exist. The only thing that makes you holy is faith in Christ. Not your actions.
We’re gonna lust. We’re gonna get angry. And most of us are not gonna sell everything that we have and give it to the poor.
We are malfunctioned. But we’re going to heaven. Because of what Jesus did.