I heard these chinos wanna get balled up
You’re a beaver aren’t you
I’m driving way out of my way just to buy a pie
That’s what you call a fiend
I know these three guys they’re from California. They moved to like Kentucky or something trying to quit meth
And then while they were in Kentucky, they started fiening for meth
This was like 20 years ago, where meth was only in California
So these three guys drove from Kentucky to South Carolina to North Carolina to Texas looking for meth
And they couldn’t find it
I thought it was quite humorous
He needs money for his trans operation
All you can eat for $65 is pretty damn wild
All I’m saying is for 65 bucks, you better serve me some kush and a stripper and a few lines to go along with my meal
That food better come out on gold plates
And that stripper better know how to dance. Or I’m gonna ask for partial refund