Do you guys know why they’re trying to kill Trump?
Money. It’s always about money.
when Biden became president, he allowed our money to go to a lot of liberals doing liberal type of research or organizations
Such as millions dollars, funding Research to turn mice into transgender mice . That’s just one example.
So if Trump becomes president, with all our inflation, he’s gonna shut a bunch of those BS programs down. He’s gonna hire someone like Elon Musk to see who who’s getting free money. To see who Biden was hooking up
Trump is a threat to all those millions of dollars going to different programs , many of them I assume to be meaningless or unnecessary
So what did they do? They try to shoot Trump. To protect their millions of dollars.
What do you guys think? This is my theory and it’s the only one that makes sense.
This is not about Mexicans being deported. Or democratic ideals , or the greater good. People with assasins don’t give a chit about ideals. They care about money
I’m a moderate. And a trump supporter
I support. Which ever political party is lying the least.
Cause both sides are gonna lie.