Do you guysknow how good we have it? That cross when Jesus resurrected. All judgment was wiped away. We have it soo damn good.
It means we don’t have to be perfect anymore. It means if we fail. We don’t have to beat ourselves up
Because there’s no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. Roman’s 8. Nothing can separate us from his love.
Ok. Go ahead, sir. Give us your take.
Yea we can try we can try with all our hearts. Sometimes we’re gonna fail man.
With the best of intentions. With a great deal of prayer. We can still miss something and screw up and fail.
Being human with a human brain is already messing up
all the thoughts of our ego, fear, selfishness that run through our brain in a 24 hour. Period.
Can you give me an example examples of those churches?
Sorry, I’m using voice dictation
Can you give me examples of what kind of sin they’re allowing and what’s going on?
Please describe their liberalism. I would like to learn.
Fyi I’m gonna take a nap soon so if I become irresponsive. I will respond eventually.
That’s an interesting statement. That trans people are created in God’s image.
I believe Trans is the end result of sin And experiencing trauma, but it was not God intended Design. For us to end up as Tran.
But… we are to approach him just as we are
And in whatever condition we approach him and seek him, I believe it was God’s will in whatever state we are in
Whether we are trans straight or gay. We seek him in that state. And that was his will. Whoever we were on that day.
Loving caring and good. That’s what God is
Jesus provided that bridge for us to meet God.